Grammar Help
How to retell a story?
And Here are some exercises to help you to learn new vocabulary

Exercise 1.  Examples of the new words in the context

1. She would always sit in her mother's lap during storytime.
2. The boxer was able to knock out his opponent in the first round.
3. I didn't mind though it was raining outside, I still had a good book to read.
4. My uncle is a sign-writer and he creates beautiful designs for businesses.
5. He loves to show off his new car to all his friends.
6. Grandpa loves to tell tall tales about his wild adventures when he was young.
7. It's important to be truthful with your friends even if it's difficult.
8. Trying to keep up with my little sister's energy is hard.
9. My uncle tells an endless stream of jokes during family gatherings.
10. After sitting for so long, I became restless and needed to move around.

Exercise 2.  Please match Definitions A-J to words 1-10

a. to sit on someone's upper legs while they are sitting down
b. to make someone unconscious by hitting them or using drugs
c. not being bothered by something, even if it is not ideal
d. a person who writes or designs signs for businesses or public places
e. to try to impress others by displaying one's abilities or possessions
f. to tell exaggerated or untrue stories
g. honest and accurate in what is said or done
h. difficult to maintain or continue at the same pace as before
i. a continuous flow of humorous remarks or anecdotes
j. unable to stay still or calm due to boredom or anxiety

1. truthful
2. didn't mind though
3. endless stream of jokes
4. restless
5. knock out
6. show off
7. hard to keep up
8. sign-writer
9. sit in the lap
10. tell tall tales

Exercise 3.  Please, put the words in to the proper gap.

truthful, sign-writer, tell tall tales, knock out, endless stream of jokes, show off, restless

1. She would always sit in her mother's lap during storytime.
2. The boxer was able to _____(1) his opponent in the first round.
3. I didn't mind though it was raining outside, I still had a good book to read.
4. My uncle is a _____(2) and he creates beautiful designs for businesses.
5. He loves to _____(3) his new car to all his friends.
6. Grandpa loves to _____(4) about his wild adventures when he was young.
7. It's important to be _____(5) with your friends even if it's difficult.
8. Trying to keep up with my little sister's energy is hard.
9. My uncle tells an _____(6) during family gatherings.
10. After sitting for so long, I became _____(7) and needed to move around.

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